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  • Maryna Farrell

Myths vs. Facts: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Fire Sprinklers:

For most of us, we know that Fire Sprinklers are a legal requirement in the UK for buildings such as schools, office buildings, theatres, and it’s crucial in the most susceptible place to fire – your home! But do Fire Sprinklers really cause more damage than a fire? Or can sprinklers accidentally go off? Or is it true that Fire Sprinklers are really expensive? 

Throughout this blog, we will dive into what really is a myth and what the facts are! 

Fire Sprinkler, Fire Sprinklers Cardiff, Concept Fire Sprinklers

Myth or Fact: Is water damage worse than fire damage?

Sprinklers are essential for many reasons, one being that Fire sprinklers are widely recognised as the single most effective method for fighting the spread of fires in their early stages.  A typical sprinkler discharges 55 litres per minute. A firefighting hose discharges over 600 litres per minute. Therefore, the water damage from a sprinkler will never be worse than fire damage or the water from a firefighting hose. No fire brigade could ever reach your property as quickly as a sprinkler system could manage and suppress a fire!

Myth or Fact: Fire Sprinklers can go off accidentally and all go off at once

Myth! Records show that the chance of an accidental discharge from a sprinkler is very rare. Additionally, when there is a fire all the sprinkler heads do not go off at once. Each head is independent and only the head(s) adjacent to the fire go off. ​​

More than 70 million sprinkler heads are installed worldwide each year! Ensure your safety today and get in contact with us. Did you know Concept Fire Sprinkler tailor each sprinkler to your needs? This way you know you have the best system for you, providing you with peace of mind!

Myth or Fact: Fire Sprinklers are really expensive 

Absolutely not! At Concept Fire Sprinklers, we add value to your systems, by giving you the right mix of; functionality, flexibility and options for future growth in line with your budget. Our expert engineers are highly skilled at sourcing the right fire equipment for you. After all, we have got over 20 years of experience! 

We know what works, and what doesn’t. We work with a range of Fire Sprinkler Systems, and we’ll definitely have one to suit your requirements, so contact us today for your FREE, no-obligation quote! 

Myth or Fact: I have a smoke alarm, so I don't need a Fire Sprinkler system!

False! Smoke detectors are essential for offering a warning system. However, they do not have the ability to extinguish flames or assist people who may struggle to evacuate independently. Unfortunately, battery-operated smoke detectors often malfunction due to dead batteries or deliberate removal. 

While smoke alarms are great for fire detection, they solely serve the purpose of alerting individuals, and do not suppress fire and save lives. Fire Sprinklers not only detect fires, but also automatically manage and suppress them, resulting in the saving of lives and property. 

Did we debunk some of your misconceptions about Fire Sprinklers? 

Fire Sprinklers, Fire Sprinklers Cardiff

Ensure the safety of yourself and your home today with Concept Fire Sprinklers! Contact us today to get your free, no-obligation quote.

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